We support and stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, friends, families, and neighbors at the university and in our nation.The Indigenous history of the land the University of Arkansas campus sits on goes back to time 
immemorial, and across that expanse of time, many successive groups have lived here and 
created sacred legacies in this area. READ MORE


Areas of Study



Our archaeology faculty is particularly strong in expertise on the U.S. Southeast, the Great Plains, Mesoamerica, and South America.  We have strengths in GIS, remote sensing (air, space, and ground), materials science, environmental dynamics, quantitative techniques, and public archaeology.


Biological Anthropology

Biological anthropology is broadly defined as encompassing the present and past nature and evolution of humankind and other primates. Our faculty are particularly strong in dental anthropology, biomechanics, and advanced quantitative techniques.

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural anthropologists focus on issues such as ethnicity, gender, class, religion, and public culture as shaped by history and migration.

DACA Statement 

The Anthropology Department joins the Program for Latin American and Latino Studies at the University of Arkansas in stressing our support and commitment to all students.