Gifts to Fulbright College made by alumni, friends, corporations, and foundations transform the College by giving its administration and faculty more and better ways to carry out its vision and fulfill its purpose. Collectively, private benefactors help safeguard and enhance a Fulbright College education.



Each year, our alumni, family and friends generously support Fulbright College philanthropically. We rely on your generosity to enable us to continue to provide opportunities to our students, faculty and departments through scholarships, faculty support, research funding and so much more. Your donations help create new possibilities and ultimately transform the college’s programs and reputation. Every gift, regardless of size, enhances the Fulbright experience for students, faculty and the college community.

Message From the Dean




The family of Alphonso W. Grant have come together with the School of Art and the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences to establish a memorial award in honor of the beloved endowed assistant professor of art education and affiliate faculty in African and African American studies, political science and gender studies.

Grant passed away in December 2020 due to a heart attack at his home in Fayetteville. He was a beloved son, brother, uncle, friend, scholar and educator who forever changed the lives of those he touched with his exceptional intellect, passion, leadership in diversity and love he shared for family, friends, colleagues, students and life.




As a student, Candace Dixon-Horne didn’t initially consider pursuing a career in radio broadcast, but the enterprising University of Arkansas alumna did just that and has been a driving force in the radio field for nearly 25 years.

Now, thanks to Dixon-Horne and her husband, John Horne, more students in the U of A’s School of Journalism and Strategic Media will soon be able to experience this for themselves and follow in her footsteps to create successful careers in radio.





Annual Gifts
Major Gifts
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Melody Mouchehbagh

Melody Kouchehbagh>

Erin Cowger

Erin Cowger